What is the thumbs.db File? How to Delete it?

When You See a Folder In a Thumbnail View Windows automatically created a Thumbs.db file in folders containing images. People often panic thinking its a virus file and scan drives. Well, nothing to worry about it’s just a cache of the thumbnail pictures in that folder.

To stop creating the thumbs.db file automatically follow these steps:
  1. Open “My Computer”
  2. Goto Tools > Folder Options >  click the “View” tab.
  3. Place a check on the option ” Do not cache thumbnails” and press “Ok”.
Next step is to search for all the thumbs.db file and delete them.
 Now, Go to Start> Search > select Files and folder.
 Enter “thumbs.db” in the search box
 In “Look in” Drop down menu select” All Hard Drives and also see in hidden files” and press ” Search”.
 A long list of thumbs.db files will appear, Select all and “delete”.
It can be helpful if  you are having very low disk space and don’t use thumbnail views.
Thats it! You have done.


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